Friday 17 January 2014

Lynx Advert Still Image

Lynx Advert Still Image


The story on this image is when a guy is out at midnight going around to town and when he bought this new Lynx Excite he tried it outside and suddenly an angel fell from the sky and landed on a car and the concrete. Then the female had a smile to her face and so did the guy and the guy couldn't believe that it works and how an angel can fall from the sky and he kept spraying and more and more angels fell from the sky and slowly at a time each angel walks towards the guy and smells the new Lynx Excite product.

Camera shot

The camera shot for this advert picture is a long shot is where it shows the whole person’s image from top to bottom also you see the props they used for the still image. The Lynx advert used a long shot because for the female to look attractive by showing a full top to bottom of her and showing what she’s wearing and how her clothes are more appealing and exotic, in the still image you also see how the female did a sexy pose to try and get the males attention so they used that image shot for their main advertisement for the product.


The background colour is really dark with a smoky effect and the props they used for the still image is a car with their product stuck on it with a sticker. Also a construction road sign with their product on it as well.  And the female by showing the clothes she wears and how the advert used seductive clothing on the product to attract the males they used these props because it makes sense on how they got the female to look really attractive.

Target Audience

The target audience for this advert is for males aged 13+ but overall it is mostly for guys. The target audience are for males because on how the advert shows the female doing a pose and shows that if you use the product angels will fall and also they use the female to advertise the product so when males use it they would think that an angel will fall and also you will feel more of a new man on how the smell of the product and it’s a famous brand so they release a better product to get more males in buying the product more.


There is text on this still image but it is only in the construction road sign and on the car on top of the window. There is no proper text in this still image advert however though you can see they only added text about their product in like a sticker and on the left next to the angel you see they advertisement name model Kelly Brook.

Advertising Techniques

Beauty appeal, they used beauty appeal on the product by getting celebrity endorsement advertising their product and an attractive model to present it and how the female is dressed in a seductive way by looking really sexy the camera by posing for the still image also they got the female to show the full body to show how attractive she looks and what she looks like.

Celebrity endorsement, the Lynx advert got a celebrity to advertise their product because it might work on getting the males to buy the product more and how it makes sense by getting a really attractive celebrity on presenting the product itself and promoting their product more by getting males interested in it.

Lifestyle, the advert gave the product lifestyle by showing that if you use the product it will make you feel like a new man and the advert is showing that how you can get any female with it, if you use the product  it wants you to feel like when you do use the Lynx product you can get any female also it makes you more of a man and how confident you feel so the advert wants you to feel more amazing with the new Lynx smell and will try to get males really interested in the product. 

Friday 10 January 2014

Introduction Post


I am working as a creative within an advertising company. I will conduct research on Lynx which is a specified product. 

Lynx Advert

Lynx Advertisement

Story & Settings
In the story of the advertisement they started at a pub and showed two genders of male and female looking both attractive and the females starts touching the hand of the male and when becomes really nervous and starts getting perspiration then the women gets turned off then walks away from him. The people who made this advert they focused on using the right and appropriate characters for it since because it makes sense when they hire an attractive female to get a male that gets premature perspiration.

Then shows the next scene of the advert and it’s set out in a library and then you see two students and the male looks at the female chewing a bubble gum then the same repetitive thing happens again by the male getting perspiration and so on. It shows mostly all of the males getting perspiration and near the end it shows the product of the Lynx and how to stop it and at the end of the advert it shows the male having his arm over the women feeling really confident. The Lynx advert is basically trying to send a message to all the males when you get premature perspiration you start to feel less confident and really nervous and it wants to show that if you use Lynx all of your problems will be gone, like it never existed, it wants you to feel more of a man.

Camera Shots & Speed of Shots
The advert used more of a mid-shot and close up but not that much of a long shot but the advertisement did show a close up shot on their product and show what it’s about, in the advert they are trying to get the viewers to have that product in their heads and to know what it is by showing it when a guy uses the product and sprays it and people may would want to get it because they might persuade you on buying the product and shows that you will gain confidence.

But overall the shots they used the most are mid-shot and close up since it’s more decent and it is relevant for the advertisement and it makes the advert better because of the angle of the camera shots.

The average shot duration for this advert is 1.50 seconds. The longest shot is for about 3 seconds also there are 26 shots all together in a 42 seconds advert and the speed of the advert shows that it’s still the same and it didn't’t really go slow or fast it stayed in a normal camera speed shot. The advert of Lynx didn't really show the same shot because it wants to tell a story on how males can find a solution on being confident. If they kept using the same shot the advert wouldn't be as good. On each shot it shows different types of people in the story and shows that is fast paced since because they don’t want to make it really long on each shot.

In the advertisement at the start of the advert it shows that both male and female are set in the bar and the lighting effect they is a dull and dark effect since it’s set out in a bar it makes sense when all bars are quite dark with less lighting, the props they used on the first since was a glass filled with a drink. But on the next scene it was different since it was set out in the library where it’s all bright and filled the whole room with a lot of lighting effect. The props they used for the next scene was books, pens since they used student characters for the advert and the female used bubble gum as a prop by trying to look attractive and gets the male to get perspiration. 

They used lighting effects on the advert because it’s actually right on where the place is set as like the bar, library and the laundry. The props they had in the advert were females doing things like chewing gum, putting dirty clothes in the laundry, licking an ice lolly. All those things attracted the men and they started getting perspiration. They used all of these props in the advert because the makers of the ad tried to find a way to make all the females attractive to all the males.

Target Audience
The target audience for the advert which I am analyzing are the person who are nervous and less confident and gets perspiration and the advert is trying to send a message on how to solve it so they got people ages 18+ to make the advert and show that there is a solution on how to get rid of it and shows that it can boost your confidence by using the Lynx product and makes you more like a man. But right the people who uses Lynx product are people within the ages 13+ since because it a famous product and people would consider getting it again and again. The reason they used people in the advert ages 18+ because it is right on how they got the characters and what they do. They want the viewers on the public to see what happens if you get premature perspiration and shows that how would they solve it.

The sounds they used in the advert is a narrator where he talks about what happens in the advert and tells them how men has little troubles and also whilst near the near the end it you hear an operatic music but a throughout the advert around the start and middle you hear the narrator talking about when men gets premature perspiration by nervousness, insecurity also the narrator says that sometimes men can’t control and makes them lose self-confidence but the most important message of the Lynx advert are try to say is making them lose women. They used a narrator for the advertisement because it is suitable for the ad since when the narrator talks about how to solve perspiration and shows their product Lynx dry and talks about there is always a solution with premature perspiration can be controlled.

Advertising Techniques
1.       1. Beauty appeal. The reason that beauty appeal is in this advert is because they are drawn to get people who are attractive in the advert to make it.

2.      2.  Lifestyle. The reason they used this technique is because the advert is trying to say that this is a lifestyle of a living and also this is what most of the people do.

3.       3. Peer approval. The reason for peer approval is used is because, it is trying to say if you don’t use their product you won’t get any of the women and you will stay less confident and nervous and also insecure but if you do use this product you will make your life a lot more better and it may change you.

4.       4. The final technique is scientific/statically claimed. The reason they used this technique is to provide scientific proof that their product does work that you will smell a lot better and doesn't make you feel less confident about premature perspiration.

That is all of the techniques used in this advert about the Lynx advertisement. But the Lynx advert sometimes uses celebrity endorsement to promote their product and to also say that these celebrities they are using makes you inspired and makes you feel like you want to have their lifestyle and makes you use their product.